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brwbck1 karma

How's the relationship between Dev and QA in these companies? Do you talk to each other directly or is there a pointlessly convoluted communication path?

brwbck1 karma

In dreams, whenever I try to run or throw a punch, I feel as if some force is resisting me, sort of like being in a swimming pool. Is this a common experience (as I suspect it is), and if so is there any theory why this happens?

There was one time where I dreamed I was in a knife fight (I am trained in blade combat so I'm not surprised I dreamed this) -- I attempted to stab my opponent in the shoulder and this time there was no resistance to the action, my arm moved full speed. Guess what, I actually acted out this motion and punched my wife!

So my totally unsubstantiated theory is that the brain inhibits dreams of fast motion because there is a risk that these activities might actually be carried out physically.

EDIT: Second question -- when I go lucid it generally remains stable unless I try to get into a sexual situation. It quickly fades to black every damn time. WHY...