Highest Rated Comments

bumbling_mumbler234 karma

How stupid was your stupidest employee?

bumbling_mumbler196 karma

So, how many pounds of ground-up bugs are actually in the average batch of peanut butter your plant produces? (This question is based on an urban legend from my youth.)

(EDIT): So, OP responded directly to my original question. Thank you all so much, but let's upvote a true hero, like sweet, sweet peantbutterama.

bumbling_mumbler24 karma

If money weren't an issue, what would you be doing with your free time?

bumbling_mumbler11 karma

So...visiting me and riding roller coasters together isn't on your radar? Oh...okay...:(

bumbling_mumbler7 karma

Thank you for doing this AMA, you're awesome.

I work a job where I have to go into a lot of different houses each day, and some of them are kind of cloudy/stinky when I go in. Chemically speaking, is there a threshold for a regular "user" versus someone who is just regularly "exposed"? Thanks again, I just hate my job and want to pass a piss test at my next potential employer, only I'm not sure that I will, considering what I encounter on a daily basis...