Highest Rated Comments

bushwhack227668 karma

A few mysteriously vanish, never to be heard from again.


bushwhack22713 karma

you came to my college in fall 08 and showed some clips that included footage of an old man who you called "the cambodian ray charles." how is he doing?

bushwhack2272 karma

1:Given your personal present circumstances, if you could live in any country in the world, using country's quality of healthcare/healthcare delivery regime as your only criterium, where would you live and why?

2:Disregarding your personal present circumstances (ie having a good health insurance plan and being well-off enough to pay for any additional costs: same question.

bushwhack2272 karma

thank you for your reply. i use my fireplace semi regularly in the fall and just got it cleaned for the first time in 3 or 4 seasons. now i'm glad i did!