Highest Rated Comments

cac24 karma

I had this surgery and have Marfans. Couple of things. They do check if you show a bunch of other symptoms only. While most people with Marfans have this or the opposite (chest poking out), most people with it don’t have a Marfans. And it’s actually a low ranked indicator.

And if you do have it, they sometimes refer you to another even more specialized doc to do it as the surgery risk is a lot higher with Marfans. I for one had a bunch of complications after.

cac7 karma

Yeah I had some sort of modified version of it, fucken worst. They had to break all my ribs and wire my sternum back in place. 10/10 would not recommend

cac5 karma

Hey thanks for doing this!

What was the most uncomfortable you ever felt during America's Got Talent? Any contestants who you just felt horrible second-hand embarrassment from or perhaps got a bit too close at times? I always had some cringe moments while watching.

cac4 karma

Yep. It’s not just writers and actors, it’s anyone who works in film/animation too.

My partner is a storyboard artist for animation, non union, virtually nothing to do with the strikes at all. was just laid off with the company saying the strike is the reason, simply no work available.

It’s all contract work in this industry so no severance or fund to pull from either.

cac2 karma

I had this same operation about 12 years ago and did did it. Mine was considerably more prominent that OPs though so it made it easier.