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calicojackrack20 karma

What kind of education do you have? Did you initially study interpretation or was it something you kind of just fell into?

calicojackrack10 karma

I do medical interpreting in the US. Somewhat similar story of already speaking another language and doing translation. Hadn't planned on doing much interpreting, but it just worked out that way.

You required to be certified by any specific organizations? Or just the test you did?

Also, you said that you speak 5 languages, but what is the minimum number of languages you have to speak to get a job there? Is it like the UN where you have to have at least a third passive language?

calicojackrack5 karma

If you're looking to study translation or interpretation there are several universities that offer online master degrees. NYU and University of Texas at Brownsville are two that I know for sure. Kent State has anything from a bachelor to doctorate (not online though). The most respected one I know of is the Monterey Institute of International Studies.

If you're just looking to learn more languages there are lots of options available online like Duolingo.

calicojackrack2 karma

Do you like reading about or studying the history of translation and interpretation? Any recommendations? I read Is that a fish in your ear? by David Bellos a few years ago and enjoyed it. Pretty easy read.

calicojackrack2 karma

I have a P2 Patriot Hybrid that I inherited from my Grandpa. (I believe he got suckered into buying it from a door to door guy....) It came with a Wessel-Werk EBK 360 powered brush head that has stopped working after my wife put the brush on a super low setting on our carpet .

I did a little research and found that the brush head supposedly has a fuse that trips if you suck something up that's big enough to stop the roller. The fuse thing is supposed to reset itself automatically, but it never seems to have done that. I took it apart to tinker with it but don't know anything about vacuums and nothing seemed obviously wrong or out of place.

On a side note this happened once before when I sucked up a toy, but started working again the next day ; rather arbitrarily.

There are some LED lights that still turn on when I try to power it up, but no spinning brush.

Any advice? Just take it to the repair people?
