Highest Rated Comments

captaindealbreaker27 karma

What motivated you to depart from the FC3 storyline/characters? Was it tasked to you to create something unique for FC3 DLC or did Ubisoft just say we need DLC, go make some shit?

captaindealbreaker27 karma

Well, consider that nail hammered baby!

captaindealbreaker26 karma

The art style you implemented in Blood Dragon is unlike anything currently out right now. Was that a conscious effort or simply a byproduct of emulating the 80s?

captaindealbreaker4 karma

If you had more time, money, and manpower, what would you have done differently about Blood Dragon? Would you have designed it to be more or less similar to the FC3 experience?

captaindealbreaker1 karma

I'm not asking for an opinion though. I'm asking for an objective observation about how other news organizations report on these events compared to what Reuters or the reporter himself is doing.

Saying "well we posted a 1 hour live feed once" doesn't answer the original question at all.