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carmooch29 karma

I really enjoyed the film, then read World War Z afterward to try and understand some of the backlash surrounding the film adaptation. It became quite clear that World War Z would not be an easy book to turn into a film because it's essentially a series of independent short stories.

I've noticed Harlem Hellfighters has already been picked up by Will Smith to become a film, so I was curious to know whether you have shifted your writing style to be more 'screenplay friendly'?

carmooch22 karma

From what I understand, the concern with 5G is not that it is necessarily dangerous, but that there simply hasn’t been enough research done to understand the potential long-term affects.

Knowing what we know now about 5G, is it responsible to continue rolling out the technology in your opinion?

carmooch1 karma

As the founder of a pre-funding startup myself, I was wondering how much progress and momentum were you able to make for Apportable yourselves before acquiring seed funding, and what would be your tips for gaining the attention of investors?