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causalcorrelation218 karma

What are your thoughts on sleeping in multiple phases?

My work had sorta stuck me into sleeping about 3 hours each night and about 3 hours each day. I've felt and functioned great during this time, but I'd like to get a professional opinion.

causalcorrelation113 karma

is it true that the WBC is mostly made up of lawyers and their families?

causalcorrelation2 karma

I intend to become a teacher, and since I come from a lower-middle class background, I'm in a helluva lot of debt, and will likely end up teaching in a low-income area because of that.

What do you teach? I'm interested because i think it may affect your experience in ways different from the way mine would be affected (I'm going to teach math).

causalcorrelation2 karma

Gonna start by saying that I asked for it :P literally!

Now I'm gonna read it, be back in 3 days. lulz

Thank you for the response. I am under the impression that people like my brother are being completely irrational in their criticisms of farmers in general. Unfortunately, I m not a farmer and I don't know any farmers so basically I'm just speculating, even if it seems to me to be educated speculation. I would like to see more of this to confirm my thoughts, or possibly something to allow me to reject them.

causalcorrelation2 karma

My brother is (a serious hippy) and really into things like organic and grass-fed farming, and what-have-you. Are you one of these types of farmers?

If not, I have an additional question for you based off this idea. My brother is under the impression that farmers who are not organic/grass-fed/what-have-you are basically like factories that produce things without regard to quality; because, for example, they can always give their dairy cows more hormones to make them produce milk.

In my mind, his view is stupid, because even in those markets where things are artificially made healthier, there is still competition for the prestige of "most healthy."

After that long-winded explanation, here's my question: Is your farm devoted to quality (loaded question)? Or do you throw caution to the wind and allow modern chemical engineering to cover your butt?

Please feel free to answer in a long-winded manner.