Highest Rated Comments

cdnmoon1090 karma

Your balls were a conversation piece for about 5 minutes in my living room. Think about that.

cdnmoon58 karma

I'm tired and was skimming headlines. I thought this read Wynona Rider.

So, how do you feel about a Wynona Rider?

cdnmoon6 karma

Hi there! I'm excited to meet you in Halifax this October at Hal-Con. Thank you for visiting us!

What is your favourite perk about being a recognized author?

cdnmoon3 karma

So... I imagine with your free time you end up online for a good chunk of it. Have you found anything random that excited you into becoming a psuedo expert on the subject?

I was in bed for a week with a bad chest cold and ended learning a lot about knots.

cdnmoon3 karma

How do people contact you for appearances etc? I've always wanted to meet you at a convention.