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cec-says7 karma

First off I just wanted to tell you that you are awesome, and I hope you find a way of getting back into performing.

I recognise a lot of your symptoms from myself - this is how I feel every day. I will fall asleep every time I sit down. I have missed so many classes because I just couldn't stay awake and the struggle to do so meant I wasn't paying attention. Have to set all alarms to minimum 30 minutes before I need to get up because I won't get out of bed otherwise. The only symptoms I'm missing are the sudden onset sleep and the cataplexy. Although I get weird moments where my main muscles in my arm or thigh just give up. That and the lovely mixture of sleep issues (nightmares, terrors, sleep walking, talking and paralysis) means all I ever think about is napping. I even once, in my sleep, had a dream about finding time in the busy day ahead of me to take a nap. That's right, I dream of sleeping.

So how did you convince them to do the second sleep study? I had one done two years ago now, but nothing came of it. They told me I did not have narcolepsy or sleep apnea. I'm still as tired and all they say is "try taking a nap," which, incidentally, is the issue here...

Also, are you on any medication?

Big hugs!

cec-says2 karma

I know!!haha "have you tried having a nap?" Yes they last minimum of 90 minutes mm top of the 11 hours sleep i had last night, and they make me wake up feeling even more tired!

I did go to hospital and they did ask me about cataplexy but she sorta dismissed it cause it wasn't in my face? They also didn't really ask about all my weird stuff that happens when I actually sleep. I'm tempted to try again but because I'm going back to the country I'm from, I know i will only be sent to the same hospital as we don't have that many places that do the study. So what's he point really! Mine is the big thigh muscle on the front. Quad? It just sorta disappears for a second when I'm walking, like it forgot it was meant to be doing something haha! It's the same in mwwapm. It just sorta bucks then gets on with life.

Do you get microsleeps and go straight to rem sleep? I'm always wondering if that's what happens cause i can fall asleep for like three seconds and have this incredibly vivid dreams while I'm out. Same with snoozing in the morning, alarm goes, I punch snooze, go back into my dream, repeat until I'm late for work ha!

PS do you actually sew? Me too! And I'm a performer too! And always tired too! What.. are you me? Haha!

cec-says2 karma

Damian, huge long time fan here. first, some back story: it's directly due to my fangirling and being a part of the wonderful Juggling Club that I have managed to build a life for myself as a musician in a different country than where I was born. Having JC friends in said country and city helped me have a place to stay and not feel totally alone and has meant so, so much to me!

Anyway, to the questions:

1) Where do you come up with the ideas for the videos from, and are there any ideas you would deem too ridiculous?

2) Do you ever feel that as a band you are more famous and known for your videos with less people actually appreciating your music?

Can't wait to hear the new album! P.S., Thanks to the advice of OK Go I remember to breathe every day. Not breathing can cause you to die, guys.

cec-says2 karma

haha there's the giggle and then there's the full on loud moan, like when you force air through relaxed vocal chords. Such a weird and loud noise and it always seems to happen at relaxation after yoga!! Super embarrassing!

cec-says2 karma

Well, my name isn't Sarah Elizabeth. I feel like there's a clue in there somewhere.

My microsleep dreams are different to my normal dreams in that while I'm in them i think I'm still awake and it feels like it's really happening, it's usually some absurd continuation of whatever i was thinking about after drifting away. There's one thing though, if it's while I'm on transport (ALWAYS fall asleep on transport haha! ) i will find something in my dream super funny and sleep giggle! Then I always wake up and find it super embarrassing for that split second before i wake up properly:)