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cerebralvomit1 karma

You are entirely correct, I wrote that, however it was a generalized statement. The very same as a cheating spouse.You can never really trust them after that. And when you do, their loyalty has been proven over many, many years. It is my understanding that disfellowshipping is vastly different than 'being kicked out'. It is also my understanding that a disfellowshipped person can enter a Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses any time he or she likes and speak with the elders and they will speak to him/her. So they are not totally cut off. As for family members, that is their individual choice and one can speak about family matters. Am I correct in that statement? So you were not kicked out, you just chose the path of least resistance. Stating you were kicked out, is a lie. And you know it. You gave up. I'd say that to you if you were a Catholic, Seventh day Adventist, Pentecostal, Muslim, Jew. etc. And the navy should be on guard. Honour, courage, commitment. That's their job. If you believe there is a possibility of those not convicted and convinced of their assignments within any organization, it is a citizens duty secularly and morally to do something about it. But the correction should be allocated to the person(s) not the organization. Look at that priest in the Vatican refusing to sign confidentiality papers. Tony Flannery, "I refuse to be terrified into submission" That could have been you. Were you really a J.W. or just their kid? I mean, were you baptized and everything because if you were a Jehovah's Witness for 20 years that would mean you joined the Navy somewhat later in life. Then by being baptized, you had made a commitment you didn't stand by. I mean if what you say is true, that you were kicked out because you joined the Navy. The navy does a lot of good, but the individuals run the very real risk of taking a life. How do you justify that? You don't. You choose. You kill or be killed. So my question to you is, what made you feel you had to kill? Perhaps your fight for justice would have been better fought at home, but if you were just their kid, then you weren't really a Jehovah's Witness at all. So that would be lying. Would that statement be correct? If you want, we will carry on, but I have been up all night due to other obligations and I need to go to bed. If you don't want, just don't reply any more. If you need to reply but still want to end this dialogue, just say so. Regardless, stay safe. I'm sure your family would much rather see an alive disfellowshipped you than a dead you. And if they are Witnesses, I guess they just see you as choosing to be a murderer. Isn't that what what defending the country ultimately costs? sorry, I am getting tired. Can't say it nice. Tried, don't work. Again, stay safe.

cerebralvomit1 karma

Wow dude! Issues much? Guilty conscience or something? I don't have to be a witness to see that. Over what I'm sure I can't say. The fact that you didn't get a straight answer and get all nervous and crap over it tells me you'd much rather bitch, chew and complain than actually be informative. I never called you a liar or a traitor, but if that's what you want to hear, who am I to tell you different? Get some help for your nervous disorder. After you replied to me last with the monosyllabic 'nope' I let you be. So what's your purpose? Never mind. I don't care.

cerebralvomit1 karma


cerebralvomit1 karma

You heard my voice?

cerebralvomit1 karma

Not trolling