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cerebrum23 karma

What would happen in the worst case scenario when the security systems failed and the earthquake wasn't detected and the reactor would be running when the earthquake/flooding hit the building?

cerebrum5 karma

Its a pipe dream.

cerebrum4 karma

What is your opinion on Warren Buffet and Ray Dalio, two men who managed to beat the market consistently over the years?

cerebrum3 karma

If you get acromegaly as a teenager Gigantism will be the consequence because you didn't stop growing yet. If you get it as an adult no gigantism will result because the growth plates have already closed.

cerebrum3 karma

I remember reading that the conventional way of treating root canal problems is wrong: drill it out and then close down the tooth. The problem with that is that a perfect sterilization of the root canal is impossible because it is living tissue so some bacteria remain and can lead to infections down the road. They can also spread through the blood and cause heart problems, etc...

The suggested alternative I've read is as follows: drill down to the root and let it open, exposed to saliva and air. The root is living tissue so it will naturally create a layer of secondary dentin that will close up the root. After that you can fill the tooth again.


EDIT: added a bit of info to clarify.