Highest Rated Comments

chaiguy180 karma

What's your take on the Occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge and how the FBI and law enforcement handled that situation? Also what do you think about the eventual outcomes, including the exoneration of most of those involved?

chaiguy36 karma

Lemon stealing whore!

chaiguy9 karma

You should probably build a recipe sharing site because they're gonna ask you for that URL at some point and it's gonna look suspicious when you don't have it.

chaiguy4 karma

Thanks for doing this AMA, so brave! What is the corporate culture like inside Time Warner? You mentioned your co-workers finding the South Park episode funny, but is that any motivation to do things better? It sounds like you're blaming a lot of the customer service issues on the call center reps, but at the end of the day, YOUR customers are the people who are dissatisfied. What's it like working for a company that no one would choose to patronize if not for a monopoly?

chaiguy1 karma

What is your favorite thing? To Poop On?