Highest Rated Comments

chameleonarchreactor4 karma


I've toyed with the idea of doing something similar. What do you intend to be the practical implications of this tool? I considered developing a tool like this however there are a few caveats that will need to be addressed. For example: What if the general public under funds a particular department without a grasp of the implications?

chameleonarchreactor3 karma

Can you tell when you are falling asleep? I understand that Hollywood portrays it as falling asleep suddenly and frequently. Is there any truth to falling asleep standing up? Also is there anything in particular you do to keep yourself awake?

chameleonarchreactor3 karma

My favorite browser! What got you started in mozilla?

chameleonarchreactor3 karma

What are you on the verge of?

chameleonarchreactor3 karma

What is your favorite political cartoon?