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chancegold184 karma

To each their own, I guess, but you should probably put a towel down regardless of the type or make up of expected bodily fluids.

chancegold54 karma

Michael C. Hall seems like one of those guys that would be just as creepy in real life as he is in most of his roles. Is he? Or is he completely different and just an amazing actor?

chancegold10 karma

Not OP, but you should add more specifics than your age.

You can go to space now if you want, but I'm guessing you wouldn't be asking about it in a reddit thread if you had $20+ million or whatever the Russians are currently charging. I just looked it up- Russia stopped sending tourists because of increased ISS crew sizes.. plus the fact that they were the only cab in town.. around 2010. However, with SpaceX starting crew missions, the US is looking to rent out a room for $35k/night with a total expected trip cost if ~$50m. I suspect Russia will also fire back up it's program as well for a similar rate. Important thing is- you could go now.

So, are you looking to take a sub-orbital flight that lets you experience null-G and see the curve of the earth (currently possible)? Take an orbital flight (currently possible)? Visit ISS (has been done, expected to resume imminently)? Trip around the moon (SpaceX recently booked a dude on such a trip, with the trip itself slated for sometime in the next 10 yrs iirc)? Visit/walk on the moon (nothing seriously scheduled yet, afaik..)? Or even something beyond all of that?

Additionally- given that some people want to wrap up all of their travelling before they reach x age, what is your personal window rather than your current age? Ie- "What is the probability I could [see last section] in the next [x] years?

Finally, and most importantly, how much do you want/expect to be able to spend?

TL;DR Version Rephrase your question as:

"Will I be able to [specific type of space visit you want] in the next [number of years you would still want to make the journey] years for $[budget]?"

chancegold3 karma

Do you hope or intend to run for president again in 2016?

If so, what are your plans to gain a following in more mainstream America?

You seem to do an AMA here every few months and I know you've been on Colbert/Daily Show a couple times, but I think you have this demographic tapped. I don't hear or see anything about you in any other mainstream media, and, let's face it, the reddit/Colbert/Daily Show followers are for the most part the same people.