Highest Rated Comments

cheerileelee677 karma

I really appreciated your mini twitter warpath yesterday against the Automation deniers - both in the media and otherwise.

Can we expect this more aggressive version of you to be out there more ardently defending against the rampant misinformation campaigns against you from now on?

cheerileelee20 karma

Thanks for answering our questions Andrew! What is your vision of America in 10, 25, and 50 years from now after your Presidency is over and how your policies will have shaped the fundamental framework of our country?

cheerileelee1 karma

how many fried chicken joints did you see during your trip?

cheerileelee1 karma


인터뷰 여화 토렌트 & 한국자막 여기있어요

cheerileelee1 karma

What is your opinion of Korea's negative birthrate and the growing amount of koreans who immigrate to other countries like the USA or marry foreigners? Especially now that China is #1 economy in the world and no longer has 1 child per family birth limit?