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cheesestick772 karma

I'm playing devil's advocate here.

As a scientist myself, I have an unpublished law of physics that I stand by. I don't have a written up thesis, so I hope this makes sense: the laws of physics that we have now are not exclusive. There are plenty of things that stand outside these laws and still exist (think random bursts of light coming from deep sea bubbles, etc.). So it goes to say that there are unwritten laws. But I also stand by the idea that there can be exceptions to the written laws of physics and science as we know them (because we can't possibly write laws to encompass all physical occurrences.). So one law could be that there are infinite exceptions to the man-crafted laws. And with that given it is POSSIBLE that an intelligent designer created everything (and perhaps even more likely because if you assume this creator is above the laws of physics then there is no controversy of how the creator came into being... The designer wouldn't have to have a beginning.)

Any theory of how the universe began is just a theory, right? There is evidence to back up any theory, but not even the Big Bang is proven. Therefore, because we're teaching the Big Bang theory, etc., isn't it only logical and scientific to present all categories of theories, including ones that involve an intelligent designer?

I'm curious to see what your thoughts are about this as I respect your opinion very much. I know this write up is very crude so I hope it makes sense!

cheesestick772 karma

I get that "supernatural" ideas are not testable. But isn't it possible that "super nature" is just another part of nature that we don't understand? I just think the idea that science classes should only teach what we understand doesn't make sense. Also, intelligent design doesn't necessarily have to do with creationism. Sure it may have been created as a "dressed up" form of creationism. That's a valid statement. But now is it so hard to look objectively at that theory and say it's even the slightest bit possible?

I appreciate your comment back! Again I'm just wanting to have a respectful debate, so I hope it doesn't seem like I'm trying to attack your ideas.