Highest Rated Comments

chiplizard17 karma

How long was the surgery that you ended up being awake for?

chiplizard12 karma

Wow, I can't imagine going through that. I really hope you never have to deal with that again.

chiplizard11 karma

As an American, may I ask what this interview bit is about? For me to get my passport in America I had to fill out an application, provide some documents, have my picture taken, fork over way too much money, and then wait for my passport to be mailed to me.

chiplizard5 karma

Interesting, thanks for the info! I never really thought about the process in other countries. Very interesting about the photos needing to be countersigned.

chiplizard5 karma

Ah that makes sense. Do you have to provide documentation proving residency or is the interview sort of in place of that? In the U.S. we have to provide our birth certificate (which is mailed with our application so I was without mine for a few weeks while I waited for it to be mailed back), and a valid photo I.D.