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chocki305901 karma

Considering that almost all of our food is genetically modified in some way, what exactly is this bill doing besides adding to the cost of labeling?

Edit: To expand on my question, as many are getting hung up on the difference between GMO (genetically modified organism) and GE (genetically engineered).

If you feel that products using GMO should be labeled, why don't you call for labeling of all products that use genetic modification, be it DNA manipulation, or selective breeding for a positive trait. Why just target GMO products with GE products getting a pass?

chocki305298 karma

You list equal pay as one of your values.

Does that mean you pay talent equally regardless of gender?

chocki30558 karma

Ohhh so it is "relationships" not money.

Tell me, if money was removed from politics, how long would the lobbistists last? And how long would those relationships last?

chocki30530 karma

None of it really makes sense considering the time involved. If you object to military but not civilian, and wish to spend as little time possible, you become a complete objector. Simply because time served is shorter all around.

chocki30529 karma

Exactly how disgusted should I be that I like the seafood and crab mix?