Highest Rated Comments

chookiebaby13 karma

Difficult to quantify this, but try...

Do you find that as a female photographer your clients seem more comfortable with you than they may be with a male photographer...

Are most of your clients (subjects) female? What percentage?

chookiebaby7 karma

This is very interesting. ...

so, do you ask the woman what about her body she likes/doesn't like and try to shoot around that, or to accent/minimise it? ( i know a lot of people really don't like this or that about their body, etc)

EDIT:: sorry, asked and answered mostly.

chookiebaby7 karma

I think her concern and professionalism is warranted. i can well imagine that one unprofessional moment or bad decision can easily sideline the business and reduce the trust gained over the years. This can be a delicate matter for some people (clients).

chookiebaby6 karma

How do your clients find you? Do you advertise or do you have mostly walk-ins (like at a mall or such)

chookiebaby6 karma

Are you based in the USA?