Highest Rated Comments

chops55 karma

How does it make you feel knowing that you helped to forward the exploration of outerspace with the design and creation of the H.T.? I know sometimes it gets a bad wrap for image quality or what not, but some of my most favorite images of space ( specifically the one with the galaxy cluster) have been captured by the H.T. Either way, Kudos on a job well done.

chops55 karma

Very cool. Thank you for your time on the AMA and again, thank you for helping to make the H.T. a reality.

chops52 karma

Holy Dang! I normally dont post a lot but I have to say you have been one of my favorite models in the industry and I have always liked your shoots ( good god the one with you and Chloe B in the barn just... mmmmmMMMMmmmmm) any way, my question would be how far do you see yourself progressing in this industry? Any ultimate goals or types of shoots / adult film genres that you want to do/try? And random silly question: do you prefer pancakes or waffles. Thanks for doing the AMA and stay sexy lady.

chops51 karma

Very nice. Keep up the sexy work Angela. And good call on the waffles.