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chromebook115 karma

My doctor told me not to be alarmed if it spread to my penis. I guess I could see how some people would freak out.

chromebook112 karma

Hey look at it this way ( I have vitiligo also), at least when we are older we will have less wrinkles from staying out of the sun and always wearing sun block.

chromebook14 karma

I took the FDNY test in March and everyday I hope I get the call. My list number is high though, like 14,000.

Do you think I have a realistic shot of making it?

Out of, let's say 1000 people to get called, how many actually make it on?

Do a lot of people not make it past the physical exam?

Thank you for your service and taking time to do this AMA.

chromebook13 karma

Do you have a scene with Audrey Bitoni? I think that's where I've seen you before. I would look it up myself but, I'm at work and ya know, porn. Nice tits!

chromebook12 karma

What is your favorite episode you have filmed so far?