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cizessio2 karma

What is your opinion regarding obamacare in relation to your heart condition? Does it help at all?

cizessio1 karma

how often do you find people flirting with the lifeguards? ;)

cizessio1 karma

So far, all I know how to do is improvise in the major/minor scales (mostly self-taught, I understand only basic concepts of music theory and I learn best through ear & sheets). I can do very modern pieces like the catchy pop tunes you'd hear on the radio, but I want to learn more advanced things like jazz improv or blues. Given my semi-unique background, what would you suggest learning?

cizessio1 karma

Just like us, if they happen to try and fail, you won't get your money back and there will be no product.

  • No, many are NOT like you. They have videos, gameplay, concept art, so that you can see what is in progress before you contribute. They have game developers or ARE game developers just trying to share their game with the world.
  • You're trying to compare your campaign to others, but that doesn't mean the moral grounds of my claim differs. If a campaign is trying to sell a product that doesn't exist, then it's a scam. If they're a scam, then you're a scam too.

Your intentions can be completely 100% real, and you could prove me wrong by eventually finishing this product. Just the stage that you're at now provides no credibility or safety in contributing.

cizessio1 karma

I very much appreciate how you are changing the idea of education, but I'm not "buying" it. (pun intended) I looked through your website and there's NOTHING at all for me to see; no in-game content, no curriculum for analysis, just a bunch of idealistic goals with no realistic backing. As a video gamer, the most important thing I want to see is the GAMEPLAY. That is the #1 most crucial aspect to lure the audience that the game caters for.

Now onto my questions:

  • How will the gameplay work? For example, what keys will be used to move the avatar character? Is it going to be click-based or WASD based?

  • Will the gameplay, graphics, quests and other concepts mirror other successful MMORPGs such as World of Warcraft, TERA, GuildWars, etc. or will it mirror something closer to a browser-based game like Adventure Quest or a Facebook app?

Edit: After researching more into the SOA, it seems to be that the school hasn't been built yet, since your indiegogo campaign team does not have any game developers or anyone with knowledge of game development. This whole thing reeks of "scam." After you collect however much money your indiegogo campaign makes, you ll just say "we didn't reach enough funds, we tried, thanks for the money."