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clatterore67 karma

ENS is real but can you provide any proof that Michael Jackson had it?

clatterore22 karma

Check this out:

Rajneesh later pleaded guilty to immigration fraud, while maintaining his innocence of the charges that he made false statements on his initial visa application about his alleged intention to remain in the US when he came from India.

Source is Wikipedia, everything is referenced. Http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rajneesh

He also rode Rolls royces and wore expensive watches. There's more to say but he was basically a con artist and a cult leader.

clatterore8 karma

Buying a subscription of penthouse and some weed.

clatterore4 karma

Did they remove all of the two inferior turbinates?

clatterore1 karma

Seeing what you wrote, you have more character integrity than Osho. Or you're pretty good.

it feels more like a knowledgeable friend with good ideas I enjoy and find useful

That is fine, but when that friend is a serial killer or rapist or has a bad character, then we have to question why we see that person as a friend. The question is if he did anything seriously bad. We can find that later.

I've also had to work on psych issues in the past. Most people have some issues for their mental health. Most of these things are caused by defective parenting which makes it difficult but not impossible to get on and stay on the right track to good mental health. Bad or dysfunctional parenting kills self-esteem and then people end up doing a lot of things including idolizing religious leaders and similar figures. "You are not enough, I know more than you, I'm your master, your guru" - this is the common theme of religious and belief leaders who prey on low self-esteem. Its not possible to have good self-esteem if you think some guru like figure knows more about life than you.

And in the same way, I came here feeling good about my choices and beliefs on this matter. I'm always questioning and reviewing them, but if they change - and they have changed, I'm sure they'll continue to change - it won't be overnight from a social media forum.

Oh yea, we're all internet strangers. Changes in belief only happen because of ourselves.

What did Osho teach you that you cant get from normal humanist teachings or plain common sense?

Now lets study Osho a little bit:

To decide which therapies to participate in, visitors either consulted Rajneesh or selected according to their own preferences.[58] Some of the early therapy groups in the ashram, such as the encounter group, were experimental, allowing a degree of physical aggression as well as sexual encounters between participants.[59][60]

He's advotating sex between followers? Whats going on?

You do know that a lot of cult leaders do things like this, right and where sex is a big focus.

"sex is a spiritual thing" - oh, sticking my dong in a pussy is spiritual. Bullshit. Things like sex between the followers are not supposed to be taught by leaders.

Remember I said, we have to think about why we call someone a friend when they're a serial killer. You have to look at everything a person does, in order to form an accurate opinion about them.

All of it is on Wikipedia, every single sentence is referenced.

If you say you have the ability to question your own beliefs, you should doubt that ability if all you do is to make excuses for facts that dont show him in a good light.

Price is alleged to have exited the Poona ashram with a broken arm following a period of eight hours locked in a room with participants armed with wooden weapons.[64]

Whats this? Are you going to ignore everything like the above?

Again, what did this man teach you that I cannot, or a humanist cannot?

You have a large part of your life revolving around this cult leader, of course you are unable to see things objectively.

Like I said the whole wikipedia article is filled with stuff that you should make you doubt this man's intentions. He was an attention seeker, a guru exploitating gullible westerners.

Rajneesh's lecture style changed in the late seventies, becoming less focused intellectually and featuring an increasing number of ethnic or dirty jokes intended to shock or amuse his audience.[71]

What does the above tell you? Nothing? I can keep copy pasting.

Some of are blind to certain things. I cant help you. Its all there on wikipedia.

The guy lied to the govt. How many things will you keep ignoring?

Rajneesh later pleaded guilty to immigration fraud, while maintaining his innocence of the charges that he made false statements on his initial visa application about his alleged intention to remain in the US when he came from India.[nb 1][nb 2][nb 3]

What kind of person, willingly lies to the government in the way that he did?

What kind of character do you think he has?

He was a con-man as I said earlier.

Deepak Chopra is another.

Coming back to Rolls Royces which surprisingly is the only thing you find "unclear" about this man and everything else to you is basically flawless or without guilt:

He gained public notoriety for the many Rolls-Royces bought for his use, eventually numbering 93 vehicles.[111][112] This made him the largest single owner of the cars in the world.[113] His followers aimed to eventually expand that collection to include 365 Rolls-Royces—one for every day of the year.[113]

93 Rolls Royces? What the hell is going on? 1 for each day of the year? Hello?

Common sense?

Nitrous oxide:

During his residence in Rajneeshpuram, Rajneesh also dictated three books under the influence of nitrous oxide administered to him by his private dentist: Glimpses of a Golden Childhood, Notes of a Madman and Books I Have Loved.[124] Sheela later stated that Rajneesh took sixty milligrams of valium each day and was addicted to nitrous oxide.[125][126][127]

He was addicted, thats two sepreate accounts, not just Sheela.

Let me guess what you'll say, "to each their own"

Of course, that doesnt need to be said. I have other stuff to do. The wiki is full of stuff, metric tonnes of evidence that prove that this guy was a manipulative, mentally ill con-man with 93 fucking Rolls Royces.

Words of wisdom have been said by others. How do you know he wasnt reading stuff said by other philosophers and regurgitating it to gain followers?

The thing is that a lot of people dont have the mental strength to look at pieces of evidence and form a picture about a certain person especially if they've already invested time into worshiping and idolizing them (in your words he "was amazing").