Highest Rated Comments

cliche_phrase11 karma

Hey, Corey. I'm hiding in the bathroom at work so I have to make this quick. I've been clean from drugs and alcohol for four years now. Unfortunately, it took a prison sentence to get me there, and it was during this time that House of Gold and Bones was released. When I got out, I had no identity anymore. I was off drugs and had no idea who I was.

House of Gold and Bones, once I heard it, changed all that. Nothing has been more valuable to me and my recovery - and, actually, along with the Slipknot song 'Sulfur - than that album. So thank you for that.

What do you think of Kevin Smith and his movies? Have you listened to any of his podcasts?

Who are some of your favorite authors? Favorite books you can recommend

cliche_phrase11 karma

In the 90s, did you feel Nirvana helped or hurt the genre?

cliche_phrase10 karma

Hey. You guys don't know me, but you helped me through a lot of shit recently. I truly sit you guys as one of my biggest inspirations when anyone asks. From songs like Hope and Here With Me I got through. I bet you didn't even realize when you wrote Coffee Mug that it would serve as something of an anthem for someone struggling with addiction recovery. So, if it's not too meta, I want to dedicate your own song 'Thank You' to you guys, and also ask: if you could or had to smell only one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? Also, could only eat one food, what food? And what's the official recipe for the bonus cup?

cliche_phrase2 karma

Got 99 prollems but a bitch ain't one.

cliche_phrase2 karma

Awesome! Thank you!