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cold_ass_honkee649 karma

I don't remember asking this question...

cold_ass_honkee6 karma

what does that have to do with anything? poverty is the great unequalizer and he said the kid at WY had the same financial situation. i'd imagine he'd get into WY and the friend would do fine in the suburban school if the roles were reversed.

cold_ass_honkee6 karma

He means he’s white and was talking about white privilege

cold_ass_honkee6 karma

Having done a decent bit of solo traveling myself, I honestly feel sorry for people like you who are too scared to get out and experience the world. There are so many good, friendly people out there, but if you don't find out for yourself and just watch the news, you'd think the opposite. Driving a car and eating fast food are great ways to kill yourself, too, if you're not careful, but I bet you do both of those.

cold_ass_honkee5 karma

lawyer and former peace corps volunteer here. this sounds awesome and right up my alley!

are there more opportunities in Palau? where is the best place to comb through similar international opportunities?

thanks for the AMA!