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comediekid21 karma

We just went from Korea, to Poland, to Mexico in a matter of seconds...

comediekid3 karma

What was the official policy of the USSR towards Jewish Citizens? How about Jewish soldiers? Have you experienced or been a part of antisemitism first hand?

comediekid2 karma

I think you're ignoring the fact that the only reason "unemployment" is going down is because the government only counts the unemployed as those "ready, willing, and able to work." A person who has been discouraged from looking for work because he's been unemployed for 4+ years is not in that statistic. The real unemployment rate, including those who are no longer eligible for unemployment benefits and those who took part time jobs (underemployed) is well over 16%.

comediekid1 karma

Can you use you influence in the gaming world to find out what the exact location of the servers on which Candy Crush is hosted? I'd like to blow it to smithereens.

comediekid1 karma

The way we got out of the Great Depression was through public works projects. Highways, railroads, etc. Can't we start building the infrastructure of the future instead of going to war with Syria?