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conjunctionjunction171 karma

Hi Josh, Thank you for being such a great brand ambassador for dogecoin and reddit! It was a great experience watching you learn about dogecoin and become involved in the community all the way up through racing the dogecar!

My question is about your other style of racing- triathlons! What races do you have on your horizon? What are your goals as a professional triathlete? Also, which of the three (swim/bike/run) is your favorite?

conjunctionjunction152 karma

This guy trained his cows to come when he plays them Lorde on the trombone:


conjunctionjunction114 karma

for the stretch marks.

This little needle roller was amazingly effective on my knee surgery scars and some stretch marks I had on my tummy. I actually used it at nighttime after a shower, and went to bed, and the scars had faded SO MUCH over night. I also used it on a scar I had on my hand from when I was like 12 years old and it went away.

Wait 3-weeks between "sessions" with the roller for your skin to heal. I'd imagine it helps your skin tighten up, too.

I told my doctor about it and he had never heard of them, but thought the concept was solid.

Also, you want to replace it after say... 3 or 4 months of use and get a new one with sharp needles.

conjunctionjunction13 karma

College towns would surely be ideal for a food truck. have you considered taking the truck there?

That's a really great idea. OP- consider this!

conjunctionjunction12 karma

Here you go:


The filenuke links are generally the best ones.

I'm a bit of a foodie/food truck fiend, and I think your truck issue is more one of marketing. "American chicken tenders" just doesn't make much of a personal connection with the public.

I'd rebrand- Southern Soul Food and homemade pies. Still do the chicken tenders, but overhaul your branding and add more offerings.

Best of luck! I'm in SF where we have a great food truck scene, but next time I travel to NYC I will hit you up if possible. Hope you land on your feet no matter what happens.