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corran132368 karma

Suddenly I want to read that story.

"the Falkland War continues, but that matters little to the smartly dressed avian inhabitants of this Antarctic ice shelf. These flightless birds wander adorably around, wonderfully oblivious to the affiars of the world around them.

When asked for comment, a prominent individual was reported as saying "SQUAWK!"

corran13217 karma

Followup question from the peanut gallery: how?

You want the government to create millions of decent wage (presumably) sustainable jobs. How? will you finance private enterprise? Expand spending on infrastructure? Enforce conscription? Nationalize Industry?

corran1327 karma

Hello, thank you for doing this AMA. I have two questions for you.

  1. I'm afraid I have not read your book (though I mean to), but a lot of your philosophical discussions seem to have been with your children one on one on or in small groups. Do you believe engaging with philosophically with children is something that could be done institutionally (IE, schools), or do you feel like a more personal approach is essential?
  2. A few years ago, there was a TV show called 'the good place' that focused a lot of philosophical concepts, and I wondered if you had any thoughts on how they phrased their discussions? As a laymen, I found it very engaging and approachable.

corran1322 karma

Good evening,

I just wanted to ask: some of the policies you advocate (including help for the middle classes, infrastructure, etc) will require money to implement, either in the form of tax breaks or increased spending. Assuming you wanted to stay at least revenue neutral, where would you advocate looking for those funds?

Edit: additional question- being a professor of history, you are probably aware that most campaign promises aren't worth the energy it takes to make them. What makes your promises different?

corran1322 karma

Hello, thank you so much for doing this AMA!

Reading some of your other responses, one thing you keep mentioning is enforcement mechanisms on international laws and for human rights, and I would agree this is a rather important element.

My concern is for the practicality of actually creating one, largely because international law exists largely by the consent of all involved states, and those states seem to be able to withdraw support if it no longer suits their interests. Combine this with corporations that have the economic power dwarfing some nations, and you seem to have a system where any reasonable enforcement is either possible to circumvent, or requires some sort of extranational authority.

I guess my question is, in an ideal world, what sort of enforcement mechanisms would you like to see in place?

(sorry, long, weird question)