Highest Rated Comments

cowboyjohnsontime4 karma

When you adapt something with such a huge following like Lord of The Rings, how do you make sure to capture the tone or mood of the source material, is it a clinical method where you break the material up and rebuild it from scratch or do you subtract from the source material whatever can be deleted? Or is it some other way entirely?

cowboyjohnsontime4 karma

Jen, Jen, Jen!! If we build robots with artificial intelligence and they can replicate themselves and they're better then us in terms of logic and getting along do you think it'd be good if they became the predominant life forms on earth or are you team human all day?

cowboyjohnsontime3 karma

This is so awesome congrats on the marvelous work you do! Travelling around for a cause like that is really admirable. No questions just keep doing what you're doing!

cowboyjohnsontime2 karma

Just bought the new album! Love your music thanks for talking to me. What's the secret huh? Yall look like you got it all figured out. Your musics good probably always getting into adventures and shit, whats it all about? Huh?

cowboyjohnsontime1 karma

That's fantastic, I find adaptations to be a very interesting creative endeavor. Especially with audiences familiar with the source material looming over what you do and comparing their interpretation to yours. Thank you for your response.