Highest Rated Comments

cowboykev62 karma

What was the first thing you did when you got out?

cowboykev26 karma

Can you describe your history, as far as schooling went, from after high school until your service. And did the army pay for your schooling as far as college or med school went. I'm considering joining the army, because I want to be a doctor and I can barely afford college let alone med school. Thanks

cowboykev25 karma

Will you ever bring a tour to Cleveland?

cowboykev5 karma

Hi, I was at the Orion Fest 2013, and I got to say it was the best weekend of my life, what is the chance of it coming back to Detroit next summer? Also, who's idea was it to play the entire Metal Up Your Ass set as Dehaan?

cowboykev2 karma

What is going on in the Helena Beat music video?