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crisscar68 karma

Most overseas Chinese occur in waves. And not all were from Canton. The Chinese from the late 19th century were Hakka. The Chinese from the early 20th century were toisanese. Cantonese were 60s-80s. And the latest are fujianese.

The Chinese diaspora is complex. You have a lot of cultural and colonial influences.

crisscar3 karma

Okay, you're friend is full of shit. Not to blame your friend directly but the Trujillo administration did a bang up job of rewriting Dominican history. To the point that most Dominicans don't believe they have African blood in them despite evidence to the contrary. Spain hasn't been a major factor in Dominican relations since the Spanish American war. No, the US filled that role quite nicely.

Haiti has been independent almost as long as the US has. Unlike the US they never had normalized trade with any western nation. They've been an embargoed state since their inception; no one wanted to encourage other slave islands to revolt so the US, UK, and France had effectively agreed to starve them out.

What has happened is a long history of corruption that drive out the middle, educated class. And attempting the stop the scourge of communism the US armed and equipped some pretty nasty individuals.

The Haitians don't have the mentality o ex slaves. They are well versed on their own history. What they do need is support and the best people to provide it, other Haitians, aren't on the island. The well, educated middle class has left long ago which leaves the island dependent on NGOs and contractors to build and maintain the infrastructure. This is expensive and temporary. The long term solution is for the diaspora to come back but the earthquake put a damper on that.

crisscar3 karma

If you haven't done so already you should read up on the history of Haiti. It hasn't always been poverty and coups. It is a country that has basically been blackballed or threatened with invasion by most western powers. Up until a a decade or 2 ago they were paying France to avoid invasion. An agreement setup almost 200 years ago that Aristide wanted overturned and the payout refunded.

There was a time when the Haitian Dominican economies were opposite. Haiti had a strong tourism industry, it all fell apart because of civil war.

crisscar3 karma

Being elected for a public position is not the same as being hired. For example, to be th POTUS you have to be born in the US, over 35, and live in the country atleast 14 years.

So your an ex junkie, dropout that happens to be popular enough to get elected. Some senator gets the bright idea to make you take a piss test and you fail. What can they do now? Nothing. Piss test is not in the constitution. Bad credit? Not in the constitution. Education? Not there either.