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cryospam53 karma

OK, so you say that you have some friends who are russian mail order brides with happy stories. What made them stand out, were they looking for rich older men who will just pay for their existences, or did they find husbands who created a normal (American) life, with 2 incomes, children, a normal family life, etc.

cryospam10 karma

Mr Kaspersky,

Will you pledge to be open and transparent should the Russian government attempt to apply pressure to influence your business practices in any way?

Right now your company is being judged as guilty by association, and with the facts that are coming out regarding how Russian hackers are actively carrying out cyber attacks to push Putin's political agenda any company with ties to Russia is deserving of further scrutiny to ensure IT environment security.

How do you plan to separate yourself from this guilty by association judgement? Would you be willing to open up your business to external auditing by an independent organization from a neutral country such as Denmark?

As someone who works as an IT consultant in the enterprise space with customers who operate multinational businesses I have suggested the use of your product in the past, however I find myself in a position where I am unable to continue to make these recommendations until these concerns are put to rest.

cryospam6 karma

OK, I want to preface this by saying that I am far from a teatotaler when it comes to the drug policy in this country, and I'm a BIG supporter for recreational legalization of cannabis and at least medical legalization of other things like LSD for things like PTSD, clinical depression, and a few other chronic conditions where research has shown significant possibility for patient improvement.

However, when people claim that we should legalize certain drugs for spiritual reasons, I feel that it causes more harm than good to the cause. It makes the person pushing for legalization (in any capacity) look like they are trying to find any reason for legalization. I feel like it portrays an image that trivializes the legitimate uses for psychedelic compounds.

This isn't the same as me saying that spiritual reasons should be less valid, I'm just saying that the public perception of a person who wants to take LSD for spiritual reasons is not a very positive one.

Wouldn't it be a smarter approach to push for the legalization of the compound for medical applications where there is hard documented research showing that it has the potential to be a beneficial compound when administered in the right circumstances?

cryospam3 karma

link to this petition?

cryospam3 karma

So...what is the cure for Bedhead?