Highest Rated Comments

csferrie25 karma

Well, there is Quantum Entanglement for Babies for advanced babies.

csferrie24 karma

Yeah, I know. It really doesn't bother me. I've been given much harsher critiques playing League of Legends.

csferrie9 karma

First, it's sickening to hear stories like this. I'm sorry you had to experience that. Everyone should be outraged at this.

I think it is important that these stories are told because it's likely the case that most of us are just not aware of what goes on. More importantly, most of us just don't understand what constitutes harassment and are often blind to it.

Even when we do, from my experiences---which fortunately is few---I find that bystanders (coworkers, other managers, administrators, etc) just don't know how to react. We need to do more than train people on what is and what is not acceptable but also on how to prevent or stop harassment as an observer.

I'm not an expert on this, mind you. So please, others chime in and, most importantly, the rest of you listen!

csferrie9 karma

Good question. Since I spent so much time at the Perimeter Institute---which has some of greatest minds in physics---as a graduate student, I feel like I got to learn quantum physics by being thrown in to the deep end. As quantum physics is a probabilistic theory, I thought I ought to really understand probability theory first. Turns out, for me anyway, deeply understanding probability and statistics has changed my world view far more than quantum physics has.

csferrie8 karma

The old Freudian slip...