Highest Rated Comments

cthulhusprophet15 karma

Awesome. One more question: What's the next big experimental verification of a scientific theory that you think will be most important for modern physics and want to see happen most in the near future?

cthulhusprophet13 karma

Thank you for doing this AMA!

I've been seeing a lot of articles in the news saying that this recent discovery "proves that the Big Bang happened." I was under the impression that the fact of the Big Bang has long been established, and this discovery is proof of rapid inflation in the early Universe. Is this accurate?

As someone who is interested in science but knows very little about it, I just wanted to clarify this point. Thanks again.

cthulhusprophet1 karma

Hey Sean, you did a brilliant job in both debates! Can we hope to see you in more debates in the near future?

cthulhusprophet1 karma

Apart from setting foot on the moon, what was the most memorable/amazing moment of your life?

cthulhusprophet1 karma

Hi Kumail, loved you in Silicon Valley. I'd be interested to know why the name Dinesh was picked for your character. I know it's a common Hindu name, and Pakistan is majority Muslim. Was there a specific reason they didn't choose a Muslim name?