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cust7111 karma

While I'm interested in the book, at this point, it seems regardless of the information coming out of the White House, nothing is going to change anyone in the GOP's mind, or for that matter, Trump voters. Why a book, when, chances are, the information here is going to be "Trump's crazy, his followers are sycophants, and most are in it for the money"? What makes this different than the Woodward book?

cust716 karma

Hi, Wisconsin resident here. Do you see the nation actually voting for a guy that doesn't have a college degree (Walker) in today's political climate? I can understand the GOP conservative base, but outside of that, I don't see how he appeals nationally.

cust716 karma

That's what I thought...except Pawlenty had a bit more middle of the road appeal. I worked for a local county Dem HQ, and while there was passion to support Burke here, there wasn't much elsewhere in the state. The Dems ran 2 fairly weak candidates in the 3 elections, as opposed to, say, someone like Feingold (who's adamantly not interested), who at least was polling even or ahead of Walker.

Any advice for a 36 year old late bloomer that's interested in campaign/political work?

cust712 karma

As far as state staffer positions, are you talking about admin work or something else? Essentially, willing to take on just about anything.

cust711 karma

Hi Chuck, I'm a real big fan and enjoy your analysis. Fellow Packer fan too. (we'll get Seattle next time) It's REALLY early, but is there any possible GOP candidate that could genuinely compete with Hillary, barring any unforeseen issues? And with Romney rumors abounding, has age simply disappeared as being an issue with any of the candidates? Hillary, Romney, Bernie Sanders (if he runs) will all be over 70 by the time 2016 arrives.