Highest Rated Comments

cystomatic1 karma

In your opinion, how can a company get it right? i.e. how can they provide a platform and environment where artists/musicians/producers actually earn money from their work and for viewers and customers to not feel "jailed" with DRM and content sharing regulations?

And second question: What is your opinion on Bitcoins?

cystomatic1 karma

Great reply, thanks a lot!

Netflix is a great service which helped reduce pirating (but only to a minimum extent). Spotify takes this to a new level and allows free listening of a huge library of music. For a small fee a month you can listen to music on all of your devices. Spotify offers a great solution for listeners - but for musicians and publishing companies it is abysmal. The earnings generated per view are in the $0.005 rate I think. That means per 1 million views, you get $5000. In iTunes, you would probably have earned $100k+. Of course there are licensing fees Spotify has to pay to the big publishing/producing companies ($200m or 75% of their overall earnings), but how much of that money goes to the small artists? I will say close to 0. Of course that is not entirely caused by Spotify. Greed and the persuasion of more money is what makes a few people (in this case the producing company) rich of the artists hard works (who don't earn a dime). Now to get back to the point. What I am saying is that artists (especially beginner-bands who just want to get started) will earn a lot more on the pay-per-song basis.

Finding something in-between where artists will earn enough and viewers will be happy and not feel limited in their ability to share their loved songs/movies is what the next platform should aim for. I will give it a shot.

If you guys have anything you want to include in such a platform (music and movies), then please tell me :) I am a great admirer and I like you guys mentality. If I was old enough I would definitely vote for you guys!