Highest Rated Comments

dabaers495 karma

No question, just wanted to say thank you for all that you do. You change people's lives, and this video brought me to tears. You deserved this 100%, and I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors. Enjoy your trip to Hawaii!

dabaers69 karma

You're welcome! Now, if only I was able to do yoga..

dabaers5 karma

Well in that case, bring on the mats.

dabaers1 karma

Hello Sara!

Just wanted to say you were the first concert I ever attended. And way to set the bar high! It was you and Steve Azar who were the headliners of the show in Farmington, Ny about six years ago! Thanks for the great show!

dabaers1 karma

How do you feel about virus outbreaks on do many ships? And what have ships you've worked on done to reduce outbreaks or neurovirus?