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darkmaninperth5 karma

We had a guy smack into our LPG pump. I had no idea it happened until a customer came in and advised me that LPG was leaking. "Sure it is..." I though and meandered over to investigate.

Upon hearing the hiss, I don't think you have ever seen me move so fast to the emergency shut off.

Tried in vain to get some drunks to bugger off and not smoke around it and got in trouble for following the leak protocols by my manager. (apparently, I was supposed to phone her first before calling the fireies - contrary to the official manual)

darkmaninperth3 karma

Has the engineering department figured out the letter K yet?

darkmaninperth2 karma

What are the demographics of your customers?

Mine were mainly drunks (the worst, too unpredictable), stoners (they were the best, just bought food and left), backpackers, pimps and prostitutes.

darkmaninperth2 karma

I did night shift at a Caltex servo in Perth, OZ. Imagine doing what your doing but in the middle of a red light district.

The stories I could tell....

But, how do you find nights?

Personally, I loved them. If I hadn't called the police a few times in a night, it was a quiet shift.

darkmaninperth2 karma

You sell alcohol? In a servo?

Mind you, when I lived in Middlesbrough, it amused me that you guys sold alcohol in supermarkets.