Highest Rated Comments

davenex2 karma

Maybe stress plays a big factor because the first time it happened to me I was just about to jump to high school. Hopefully they can figure out a cause soon enough. Would make it easier to combat as opposed to doctors observing GBS sufferers in the ICU and watching it take it's course. On the plus side I got a nifty little scar on my nose from when they pulled out the oxygen tube.

Did you find it had to relearn to walk after the first time?

davenex2 karma

Were the doctors able to tell you the cause of GBS? I too suffered from GBS two years apart back in 2002, back then the doctor's had no idea what it was or the cause, has anything changed now? (Also in oz btw :P)

davenex2 karma

Our situations are very similar. After my encounters with gbs I had to do heaps of physio and rehab. Aside from learning to walk again I think I had a particularly hard time learning to write properly. But retraining all the muscles was definitely one of the hardest things I have done.

I didn't have a tracheotomy from what I recall I was still able to breathe on my own but was unable to swallow anything not even my own saliva which meant the nurse (god bless her) had to constantly use the suction thing to clear out my mouth.