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davidjschloss1067 karma

So you took money from a bank, and claimed it wasn't you. Your pre-bank-robbery crime is actually bank robbery.

davidjschloss47 karma

I’ve done haunted mazes at my house on halloween. I’d never do a leg grab because of both getting stomped on and because you could trip a person super easily.

davidjschloss20 karma

Fun fact in the US: many states allow you to call yourself a therapist without a degree of any kind. You just can’t hold yourself out to be any kind of therapist that requires a degree-licensed clinical social worker, psychiatrist or psychologist, etc. anything the state controls the licensing for you can’t say unless you have that license. My wife, for example, is an LCSW- licensed clinical social worker. So she can do clinical work, she’s registered with the state, etc. She could call herself a couples therapist or a play therapist or an art therapist but she can’t call herself a psychologist or anything that requires licensure.

We knew a couple that started doing Imago Relationship Therapy and not only had no training but weren’t in any way suited to be doing relationship therapy. They hated each other, were in the process of getting a divorce and barely talked. But they’d meet clients in an office and walk them through childhood trauma to reawaken their “aliveness.”

I have another friend that does art therapy with an English degree and she really helps kids with issues expressing themselves and interacting.

Not saying OP is a quack. Just saying in many places going from a degree in one thing to therapy has surprisingly little hurdles.

davidjschloss17 karma

“Is the Julia Child cookbook good to learn from?”

“No, you need to get into Le Cordon Bleu, study there for six to eight years and then get a job at Per Se.”

davidjschloss17 karma

It’s a restaurant. Anyone can be there.