Highest Rated Comments

davidmpickett26 karma

Where do you get your car washed?

davidmpickett6 karma

I assume this question is directed to me since you put my name in the question ;) Believe it or not, LGIS continues to creep towards completion. I've been lucky enough to get some behind the scenes glimpses at it and can attest to the fact that it has not been abandoned. I also shoulder a good deal of the responsibility for the delay since I convinced David to take on the ridiculously time consuming task of writing a book with me on top of his other projects. I would be shocked if LGIS isn't completed by the end of 2017

davidmpickett6 karma

Also! We'll be doing a live stream on the Paganomation YouTube channel this Sunday at 12 PM EST to discuss the movie in more depth.

davidmpickett5 karma

Great question! This is a topic we've talked about a few times on our blog The Set Bump:

In short, we generally approve of this approach as it enables the producers to create stylish animation that respects the physical limitations of the LEGO system at a scale that would be nigh-impossible with traditional animation.

davidmpickett5 karma

Officially: LEGO bricks, LEGO elements, LEGO pieces
Unofficially: Some times it easier to just say "legos" :)