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dbemont3 karma

I read about the chance to send a fragment back home. If I remember right, this is an option offered once a game, and it somewhat ameliorates the permadeath of the game, in that even if you die, another generation can start again.

But you made it sound like an option, something you might choose not to do. Is there a reason? Is there some risk to doing this?

dbemont3 karma

I really like that! Kind of poignant, there. You might try to bury your heinous act, but, by escaping immediate consequences, you saddle your descendents with the cost. This is way beyond "just another game." I really, really hope to be playing this guy a few months down the road. Good luck!

dbemont2 karma

What I have seen, so far, Unwritten sounds fascinating. I love the collection of narrative fragments and the role these are to play when interacting with other tribes. But I also have some interest in the exploration, hunting and combat. I guess the exploration, in particular.

What kind of mechanic do you have set up for exploration? You have mentioned that it is risky. Is it analogous to finding and popping goodie huts in Civ? Or is there more to it?

dbemont1 karma

Hroppa hasn't responded, but I think I know what he means, and I am curious, too.

Many games become formulaic. You play awhile and eventually discover the best way to play -- the ideal build order for a city, etc.

I think his point -- my point, at least -- is to wonder how you are avoiding repetition. Both from map area to map area, but also from game #1 to game #2.