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deathbeforedigital11 karma

Typically, I see people with neurocognitive deficits, like dementia, Alzheimer's, MS, ADHD, etc. However, I also see people who are being tested for autism, IQ testing for schools/aptitude and other miscellaneous cognitives concerns. The work is specialized and deeply diagnostic, so I only work with one patient a day for 4-6 hours at a time!

deathbeforedigital8 karma

Welcome, colleague!

deathbeforedigital8 karma

On a serious note, engage your brain! Read books, solve puzzles, learn another language... Nurture your mind with knowledge and engagement. On a less serious note, probably mysterious experimental drugs judging from some recent movies on this topic.

deathbeforedigital6 karma

While true, most psychometricians I've met have a neuroscience or psychology background. Advanced degrees are typical and all of my coworkers have Master's or Ph.D. I have a B.S. in Neuroscience and compounded with my background in clinical research, hospitals and assisted living, I was a good fit for my workplace.

There's extensive training that goes into administering the tests and it'd be very atypical IMO to hire someone who didn't have a good grasp of scientific rigor and data collection.

deathbeforedigital6 karma
