Highest Rated Comments

dedokta56 karma

Are the rats really giant? Or would you say they were Rodents Of Unusual Size?

dedokta43 karma

A guy I worked with was a climate denier. He told me to follow the money and I'll see the truth. I asked him if the oil companies didn't stand to make a lot more than the scientists could possibly make and he just looked shocked for as moment... And then went back to his original argument.

dedokta9 karma

One hope, if this goes go through, would be consumers choosing an ISP that does not slow down traffic in this way. If an ISP were to advertise that all traffic was treated equally then people would likely use them instead of others. I understand that choices are not always available in some places, but a net neutral ISP might be able to carve out a huge market share with this tactic.

dedokta5 karma

Either you're an idiot or a troll. Either way your comment is stupid.

dedokta1 karma

Will you be releasing it at Imax?