Highest Rated Comments

descending_angel79 karma

Can I dm you too? I'm interested in helping out in a meaningful way.

descending_angel33 karma

Take your time! Hope you have a good day :)

descending_angel2 karma

I'm sorry this happened to you, and I hope that things do get better for you.

I saw mention that you smoke? Is it recreational or do you use it to distract from the pain? What do you think about the use of CBD or just Marijuana products in general to help?

I can imagine it's rough to be lonely like that all day and not able to do much. Are there any hobbies you've considered to pass the time in addition to games/media/surfing the web? Maybe crafts or an instrument?

Do you know if there are any support groups for what you deal with, and if you can make some friends on there who can relate to your pain?

Also, that's lame that your friendships have died out, I'd chill with you if I could!

descending_angel2 karma

Where do you get it from?

descending_angel1 karma

Hi! Thanks for doing this. I was mostly interested about your take on telehealth and how it works for you and your company. I'm in school to be a CMHC and BCBA and my dream would be to work remotely while being able to provide services for those who need them.

Do you find you have a good work/life balance due to the format that you conduct therapy?

I saw another poster asked about costs. Is it certain insurances that don't reimburse for the full amount? What percentage of the cost would they reimburse for on average?

Do you think doing an intake in person and moving to telehealth would be beneficial or would the initial in person meeting not make much of a difference (I'm thinking rapport wise, I know everyone is different).

How does that work with portability? Do you have to be in the same state as your clients? Would you be able to conduct therapy abroad?

Was your business always all telehealth?

I've been getting therapeutic services via telehealth since the pandemic (in person before) and I really love the convenience and still love my therapist though I do admit it is a little different than it would be in person.

Oh, last one. How does one deal with being responsible for providing good services for clients while still not feeling like they have it all 'together themselves'? I imagine therapy helps lol. I just want to walk the walk.

Thanks for all you do!