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deus_irae3363 karma

Damn, that was a pretty hard experience, I'm glad that you survived, however, I would like to know, do you remember anything while you were in coma? Did you hear people by your side or it was just a blank brief moment? BTW, I know of a great band called AYREON who made an album about a person being in a coma for 20 days and how all his emotions came to life and talked to him and his reflexions while being in a coma. The album is called "The Human Equation", you should check it out.

deus_irae3362 karma

What are your toughts about big gaming industry losing it's battle agains 99 Cents games on cellphones. Any recommendations for those developers to attract more players to spend more money on their games?

deus_irae3362 karma

d anonymous

Could it be that they are practicing ta'arof?

deus_irae3362 karma

Yeah, well, I have so much feed in my social media about the situation that I just rather ask to my friends if they are ok and that's it.

I like the fact aht you guys accept the things that you are doing wrong, but what I would like to bring to your attention is that if you want to change the goverment, you are doing it wrong. What you have to do is FIRST get close to the people that is currently supporting the actual goverment and AGREE with them with something that can create the country you both want (and of course doing it, becuase if you fail, they will never ever vote for you again).

I understand that there are some irrational dumbfucks that are so brainwashed that would not agree with you in anything, however, most people would agree with you if the oposition shows them a project of a new nation that can benefit all in a better way.

Capriles and the oposition are just crying for every action that Maduro does. They will attack every single action they make and also they will attack to their supporters, creating more division within the country.

deus_irae336-4 karma

Good enough with the AMA, however, I think that is one sided. There's no neutral view from this user, since he's obviously a member of the opposition. I can get an idea of how bad things are... for people who are against the goverment, who clearly, are not the majority since Maduro won last elections against a coalition of all right wing parties.

Basically, this is a problem that affects the working "middle class" of the country. The goverment concentrates in giving privileges to the working low class (wich is majority of people) and giving restrictions to the middle and upper class. Even with these problems, inflation and a dropping economy are hitting the country, however, Oil is the panacea that keeps the whole ship still floating.

I have good friends that live in Venezuela right now (Caracas) and they are of course with the opposition. I respect their points of view, however, I must say that the way they try to change things is sometimes, funny.

The way anti-goverment movements work is through social media, trying to get recognition of their "unfortunate" situation by showing information that most of the times is unaccurate and clearly taken out of context in favor of their cause.

Things like "#prayforvenezuela" are so dumb IMO. It is true that communication thorugh Twitter helped to gather protestors in Egypt that shut down a dictatorship. This worked because their people was ready to change things and they had an idea (as a nation) of what they didn't want, however, they forgot to discuss what they really wanted to have, and that misinformation led to put a new and EVEN WORSE dictatorship. Now they have an even BIGGER problem and not only that, they now prosecute the young people who helped them to get into power.

Back to Venezuela, they are trying to reach people's top of mind (and international attention) through Twitter and other social networks, however, is not working and is not going to work.

Why?, you may ask. Well, the thing is that now, people will question everything they see in the Internet. Not trusting the internet is a very natural thing to me. Goverments of the first world question internet information too, so if they see crap like "JELP MI, PRAY FOR VENEZUELA" they will check if what you are saying is true, and if it is true, they will check if they should stick their noses into other country's business for things like, you know, confirmed violations to human rights and shit.

So, problems in Venezuela are bad because of a bad economy. They have a bad economy because the goverment is full of crap (and of course, the opposition is full of crap too), making stupid laws and policies that will favor low class people but it will fuck the ass on the middle class and people that own big companies.

How to change things? I'ts really difficult to say. People will have the goverment they want. I've heard that so many times and I know it's true. No dictatorship is eternal. There will be a time when people get tired of that shit and they will surely change the goverment via elections or violence. Either way, is up to ALL Venezuelans to get an agreement of what they want to have.