Highest Rated Comments

deusexmagikarp7 karma

How do you feel about trial in absentia under "any" circumstances, and what are your feelings re: federal rule of criminal procedure #43, precedent from the supreme court in '92, and possible application regarding drone attacks on citizens at home or abroad knowingly avoiding detention or capture?

deusexmagikarp7 karma

As a libertarian, I'm pretty sure he'll have Kelo in his upper echelon, if not the top. I still feel my bile rise when anyone mentions Kelo.

Grutter was also ridiculous, as was Wickard. Korematsu is probably the least-well-known bad one, with Dred Scott being the famous stinker that will top most lists. Still, for me, Kelo is the worst. It's bad enough to have these others basically stating that government can trample on your rights at will for it's own benefit - Kelo basically said govt. can trample on your rights at will for some 3rd party's benefit that may, in some roundabout manner, benefit the govt.

deusexmagikarp3 karma

I see workingfisch loves Hot Fuzz as well : D

Professor Epstein [and this is my second question so feel free to ignore it if others are in line],

Regarding gay marriage, do you foresee structural/logical (as opposed to arbitrary or moral) obstacles to legalized polygamy, if a ruling comes down in favor of gay marriage based on the arguments put forward in brief by its proponents? If so, can you elaborate on what they are and how the court might address them if it chooses to do so?

Also, does the same situation apply to incest? This seems to be an issue that elicits a dramatic range of viewpoints and I'd love to read your fully-developed logical progression on this.

Also, What is the air-speed-velocity of an unladen swallow?

deusexmagikarp2 karma

Would like to hear more on this.

deusexmagikarp1 karma

Yeah, in line with killthedog, a lot of folks say "incest - no way," but I'm trying to grasp the full argument behind the distinction and prohibition, assuming consenting couples of and the established "right" to marry who you want...