Highest Rated Comments

devtherev10 karma

First off, Awesome! Is this related in any way to the new capabilities of 'growing' organs and what not? Or more of the holographic form of immortality, as I briefly heard about? What about our population problem? What is it that us plain folks just don't see with this transition? Also, is this in connection with any "free energy" source? I've been hearing a lot about "free energy" becoming a common component here soon, any word on that? And, if I can squeeze another response out of you 0=], if you are familiar with this "free energy" what is this Keshe foundation thing all about? Talking about ending war and poverty, creating abundance, and deep space exploration.. any comment or knowledge on that? Thank you very much for taking the time out of your day to answer some curious minds, knock us immortal!

devtherev3 karma

I will further look into your work as well as take you up on that offer of getting involved.

Everything else aside, I was screwed over by "a friend of mine" who became an informant due to his serious drug offenses (heroin or oxycoton one of the two I believe). Screwed over as in, not a drug dealer, portrayed as making a sale of marijuana! all I did was get in the car to smoke a free joint took a pretty long ride out of my state of NY into PA to go to his mom's house, since we knew each other's families, inwhich he proceeded to sell a very small bag (4 grams) of weed to a cop who he told me was his uncle! After 60,000 bail, an unconfident public defender, and an illogical plea deal (of 2 years probation if you plea, 3 years in prison if you lose trial), that wasn't offered until the day before trial during jury selection, since I never intended on pleading guilty until that point. I plead guilty, well now, in Bradford County, PA, I've already served probation twice, 2 years twice, plus the fines and supervision fees, community service twice, and now because I've failed a couple drug tests for marijuana and gave them a hard time about spending medicaid money on trying to send me to a half way house (after not even a month of outpatient services), I'm looking at 1 month to 72 months, incarceration, and then finish my time on parole, but if I fail one drug test they can violate me years later for it. Since I have totally 0% confidence in refraining from using marijuana for longer than a 12 month period, is there anything you see that might be able to help me judicially in this situation. Of course all I seek is your opinion of guidance in my situation, I know you can't give me legal advice or anything like that. But I am desperate, and haven't had much luck. They're not even taking into consideration all the time i've done, that i'm trying to finish up my Bachelor's degree, I already have 135 credits it's insane I don't already have one, I'll stay off that topic. But why am I being portrayed as such a criminal not deserving to live my life, I don't commit crimes, I haven't done one thing wrong this entire 4 years of probation, except smoke weed, why would I be incarcerated for that? Is it really all about the money? Why can't we work out some arrangement, I'll pay monthly for the rest of my life to stay out of prison, if it's about money why can't they still benefit while letting people like me, with outstanding character references from notable people with international standing in the science community, remain free of incarceration? Sorry for the informal manner, I have been typing all day, just came across this and wanted to be quick. I greatly appreciate any response, and I also commend your efforts at trying to redirect your former efforts, which by the way I must say, tough work! Thank you and have a great day!

devtherev2 karma

Would someone who refuses pharmaceuticals, but does have anxiety, depression, bipolar etc., and self medicates with marijuana have any defense for using while on probation? IF the person continued to use and were to get violated/revoked, but wanted to quit and comply with probation, would they still be at threat for jail time? What would convince the courts that this person does deserve a 3rd or 4th chance, when all they've done wrong is smoke marijuana? What's the chance that they'll just let them go after already 2 terms of 2 yrs probation, fines, and community service over a petty crime, or b/c they've smoked weed there is no chance at getting off due to the undeniable and prosecutable evidence? Thank you very much for doing one of these, it really does give insight from the probation officer's perspective. Truly appreciate you taking the time to respond to so many questions honestly, despite some possible ridicule, if there were any!

devtherev1 karma

Agreed! I do truly appreciate your response, honesty, as well as down-to-earth understanding with this matter. And what would you suggest to someone who does need mental health services but just prefers to go without due to horrible health insurance, and all they want to do is prescribe drugs that they refuse to take? Also, what would you suggest to someone who still owes like 600 on their fines, and is about to get probation all over again? Should they pay? Since if you don't they don't seem to add it/roll it over to your new fines along with your new probation term? It's like they never even cared about it, they just reinstate the initial fine and write off what you owe on the last one. Why is that, and what incentive does a probationee in that situation have to pay that fine, that is gonna be considered void right after court? Shouldn't they keep that money and throw it towards there new fine? The fine question I'd really like answered, since I get the feeling your in PA, and these are questions pertaining to that state. You have been tremendously helpful, as well as insightful, I'm glad I've had this chance to ask you these questions. Again, thank you very much! And keep up your positive paroling/probationing, I think you can do a lot of good for those on probation! I hope you do encourage others to better themselves in many ways, would you be interested in helping to throw a program together, for prison as well as supervision, that is based on individuals finding purpose and passion in their lives through education, job & skill training, giving back to the community, and entrepreneurial opportunities?

devtherev1 karma

First and foremost thank you for giving people an opportunity to openly reach out to someone who has so much knowledge and experience in such a field! I would also like to indicate, that I too wish to have similar success and have been attempting to attain such a career for quite some time! I'm still young, 24, recently dropped out of college because I found myself going for a job offer instead of my passion!

Should I really go back to college, or would it be wiser to self educate? Keep in mind, that my family and I are very poor, I am the first to go to college and bring hope to a better way of life!

What do you recommend with someone with 50+ ideas just waiting to get some money around to patent, and start leasing/selling?

Are business ideas less ideal? In other words, if I have an idea for a business, what are my chances of finding a buyer, and where should I start? Am I better off getting the start up capital myself and creating the business then selling it? This can be a real concern for a poor kid like me with a 100 business ideas a year, who should I talk to?

Have you ever considered, or already have, "taking someone under the wing" showing them the ropes on the first couple, of course with some contract attachments =] ???

And what are my chances at actually helping shape society? Should I focus more on the "money makers", or do my good ideas to help improve society's lows actually have a chance? I'm a big fan of R. Buckminster Fuller, but I've noticed with many others as well, the good ideas that threaten industries regardless of their benefit, are cast away and rarely heard of again.

Also, what do you think of an educational program that is specifically designed to broaden and sharpen peoples passions and talents, hopefully in a mutual monetary benefit for the people and the program? That is a big subsection on my "To Patent List", educational and training programs that make individuals more independent, self-capable, self aware, there's a lot of room for improvement in the Corrections sector. I appreciate you for doing this, I will be sure to check out your kickstarter project, I too have been just waiting to do one! Any advice to my questions I'm sure you'll guide me in the right direction, I have already gained much informative wisdom from your other devoted responses. Thank you Anatoliy, I am glad to have crossed your path!