Highest Rated Comments

dgaaaaaaaaaa5 karma

Two questions:

1) Do you think removing the bonuses incentive from investment banking (and going back to just salaries) will help the ethics problem?

2) Sorry to be blunt, but is it true that the job is boring?

dgaaaaaaaaaa3 karma

Hello from India! Great project. One-tenth cost of petrol sounds great. I think it's also eco-friendlier, isn't it?

Also what is the cost of modifying an existing petrol rickshaw into your model? Thanks for the AMA and all the best!

dgaaaaaaaaaa2 karma

Hey, being a power user, is there anything I can do to further the lifetime of a hard disk. Problems with them are so common aca other parts of a computer. Thanks for the ama!

dgaaaaaaaaaa2 karma

Super cool. Is there any support for the road from below? I can see the connection between adjacent blocks. Just don't want the road to slip off. :) Great Job!

dgaaaaaaaaaa1 karma

Hey, can Glass make phones obsolete? I mean if they include calling(or is it already integrated?) then the only function left for a phone is to act as a router,right?